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Wyszukaj Tereny Inwestycyjne :

Zachodnio-Pomorskie Świętokrzyskie Śląskie Mazowieckie Warmińsko Mazurskie Pomorskie Podlaskie Podkarpackie Opolskie Lubuskie Lubelskie Dolnośląskie Łódzkie Małopolskie Kujawsko-Pomorskie Wielkopolskie


Info about the service

The service is one of the most advanced platforms of districts' and communes' investments offers in Poland. The purpose of the Baza Ofert Inwestycyjnych service is to provide potential investors with up-to-date investments offers from local authorities in the whole Poland. The service helps districts and communes to fast find new and dynamic entrepreneurs interested in investments in their area. The service is directed to entrepreneurs, private businessmen, domestic and foreign investors, people starting their business activity who are looking for attractive offers for themselves. Besides, the users of the service are persons seeking lots for housing construction, agriculture land, forest lots. We invite representatives of districts and communes to place their offers as well as investors to browse our constantly growing base of investment offers. After a simple registration at our service investors will receive information about the latest offers at given email address. Due to the fact that all investment offers in the service are edited by representatives of Polish districts and communes we quarantee the highest quality and up-to-dateness of all offers. The team of